pixelfed doesn't use nginx caching or file streaming #21

opened 2 years ago by th · 2 comments
th commented 2 years ago

looks like all files are hitting the pixelfed-app container rather than the top level nginx

looks like all files are hitting the pixelfed-app container rather than the top level nginx
th added the
label 2 years ago

one complication: nginx:alpine uses uid 101 for www-data while every other container assumes it matches debian's 33. we can hack that into the nginx container but it feels like a bit of a mess

one complication: nginx:alpine uses uid 101 for `www-data` while every other container assumes it matches debian's 33. we can hack that into the nginx container but it feels like a bit of a mess

cache must use Accept encoding in the key since the same URI is used for both json and html

cache must use `Accept` encoding in the key since the same URI is used for both json and html
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