#!/bin/sh set -e ME=$(basename $0) entrypoint_log() { if [ -z "${NGINX_ENTRYPOINT_QUIET_LOGS:-}" ]; then echo "$@" fi } auto_envsubst() { local template_dir="${NGINX_ENVSUBST_TEMPLATE_DIR:-/etc/nginx/templates}" local suffix="${NGINX_ENVSUBST_TEMPLATE_SUFFIX:-.template}" local output_dir="${NGINX_ENVSUBST_OUTPUT_DIR:-/etc/nginx/conf.d}" local filter="${NGINX_ENVSUBST_FILTER:-}" local template defined_envs relative_path output_path subdir defined_envs=$(printf '${%s} ' $(awk "END { for (name in ENVIRON) { print ( name ~ /${filter}/ ) ? name : \"\" } }" < /dev/null )) [ -d "$template_dir" ] || return 0 if [ ! -w "$output_dir" ]; then entrypoint_log "$ME: ERROR: $template_dir exists, but $output_dir is not writable" return 0 fi find "$template_dir" -follow -type f -name "*$suffix" -print | while read -r template; do relative_path="${template#$template_dir/}" output_path="$output_dir/${relative_path%$suffix}" subdir=$(dirname "$relative_path") # create a subdirectory where the template file exists mkdir -p "$output_dir/$subdir" entrypoint_log "$ME: Running envsubst on $template to $output_path" envsubst "$defined_envs" < "$template" > "$output_path" done } auto_envsubst exit 0