version: '3' services: # the default synpase uses a sqlite database; this should be fixed at somepoint # matrix-db: # image: postgres:13.4-alpine # restart: unless-stopped # volumes: # - ./data/matrix/db:/var/lib/postgresql/data # environment: # - POSTGRES_DB=synapse # - POSTGRES_USER=synapse # - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=STRONGPASSWORD matrix-element: image: vectorim/element-web:latest restart: unless-stopped container_name: matrix-element env_file: - env.production volumes: - ./matrix/ - ./matrix/config.sample.json:/app/config.sample.json:ro depends_on: - matrix-synapse # ports: # - "5000:80" matrix-synapse: image: matrixdotorg/synapse:latest restart: unless-stopped container_name: matrix-synapse volumes: - ./data/matrix/synapse:/data - ./matrix/ entrypoint: ["/"] env_file: - env.production environment: - MATRIX_CLIENT_SECRET=${MATRIX_CLIENT_SECRET} depends_on: - keycloak - nginx # ports: # - "5008:8008" # add the nginx configuration into the nginx volume nginx: volumes: - ./matrix/nginx.conf:/etc/nginx/templates/matrix.conf.template:ro # add the client secrets to the keycloak-setup volume keycloak-setup: env_file: - data/matrix/secrets volumes: - ./matrix/