3 years ago | |
.. | ||
README.md | 3 years ago | |
client-create | 3 years ago | |
client-delete | 3 years ago | |
docker-compose.yaml | 3 years ago | |
env.production | 3 years ago | |
setup | 3 years ago |
For initial setup;
- Setup auth credentials
sudo docker-compose exec keycloak \
/opt/keycloak/bin/kcadm.sh \
config credentials \
--server http://localhost:8080/ \
--user admin \
--password admin \
--realm master \
- Create a new realm for the
sudo docker-compose exec keycloak \
/opt/keycloak/bin/kcadm.sh \
create realms \
-s realm=spacestation \
-s enabled=true \
Fix up a id bug
sudo docker-compose exec -T keycloak \
/opt/keycloak/bin/kcadm.sh \
create client-scopes \
-r spacestation \
-f - <<EOF
"name": "id",
"protocol": "openid-connect",
"attributes": {
"include.in.token.scope": "true",
"display.on.consent.screen": "true"
"protocolMappers": [
"name": "id",
"protocol": "openid-connect",
"protocolMapper": "oidc-usermodel-property-mapper",
"consentRequired": false,
"config": {
"user.attribute": "id",
"id.token.claim": "true",
"access.token.claim": "true",
"jsonType.label": "String",
"userinfo.token.claim": "true"
# Create a client in the realm with a provided shared secret and client scope
sudo docker-compose exec -T keycloak
create clients
-r spacestation
-f - <<EOF
"clientId": "hedgedoc",
"rootUrl": "http://spacestation:3000/",
"adminUrl": "http://spacestation:3000/",
"redirectUris": [ "http://spacestation:3000/*" ],
"webOrigins": [ "http://spacestation:3000" ],
"clientAuthenticatorType": "client-secret",
"secret": "abcdef1234",
"defaultClientScopes": [
"optionalClientScopes": [
* Create an admin user
kcadm.sh create users
--fields id,username
-r spacestation
-s username=admin
-s enabled=true
-s 'credentials=[{"type":"password","value":"admin","temporary":false}]' \
sudo docker-compose exec keycloak
config credentials
--server http://localhost:8080/
--user admin
--password admin
--realm master
Create a new realm: $ kcadm.sh create realms -s realm=demorealm -s enabled=true
Create a new realm role in realm 'demorealm' returning newly created role: $ kcadm.sh create roles -r demorealm -s name=manage-all -o
Create a new user in realm 'demorealm' returning only 'id', and 'username' attributes: $ kcadm.sh create users -r demorealm -s username=testuser -s enabled=true -o --fields id,username
Create a new client using configuration read from standard input: $ kcadm.sh create clients -r demorealm -f - << EOF { "clientId": "my_client" } EOF
Create a new group using configuration JSON passed as 'body' argument: $ kcadm.sh create groups -r demorealm -b '{ "name": "Admins" }'
Create a client using file as a template, and override some attributes - return an 'id' of new client: $ kcadm.sh create clients -r demorealm -f my_client.json -s clientId=my_client2 -s 'redirectUris=["http://localhost:8980/myapp/*"]' -i
Create a new client role for client my_client in realm 'demorealm' (replace ID with output of previous example command): $ kcadm.sh create clients/ID/roles -r demorealm -s name=client_role
Use 'kcadm.sh help' for general information and a list of commands